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About Us

What is BARB?

The BGANZ Arboriculture Group

Peter Berbee from RBGV collecting Corymbia maculata seed from a disjunct population with rare genetics at Mottle Range in eastern Victoria. Credit Jim Shugg


The BGANZ Arboriculture Group (BARB) is a special interest professional group created and constituted under the Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ) national umbrella.


The BARB group aims to bring together tree management professionals working in botanic gardens across the BGANZ network.

We aim to:

  • strengthen and improve tree management practices across botanic gardens in Australia and New Zealand
  • highlight and promote the specialised skills required for botanic gardens arboriculture in caring for our amazing tree collections
  • promote and develop our tree collections and the benefits they provide
  • provide support to BGANZ member organisations to guide them towards best practice management of their trees.

On Wednesday 2 August 2023, BARB held its first formal meeting to elect committee members to steer the work of the group.

The endorsed committee is:

  • Convenor – Ian Allan (Blue Mountains BG)
  • Deputy, Treasurer/secretary – Chelsea Payne (Kings Park & BG)
  • Committee members – Dan Marges (ANBG), Neil Bollinger (Orange BG), Peter Berbee (RBGV), Matt Coyne (RBGS), Laura Williams (RTBG)

Want to find our more? Contact Ian Allan at