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21 Jun 2018

Botanic Gardens Engagement Network Charter

BGEN CHARTER (created February 2014)

Read our charter which is the guiding document for the Botanic Gardens Engagement Network:


Section A: Name – Botanic Gardens Education Network (BGEN)

Note: BGEN’s name was updated to Botanic Gardens Engagement Network in 2018. (Previous name was the Botanic Gardens Education Network.)

Section B: National Affiliation – BGEN is a special interest group created and constituted under Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ) national umbrella.

Section C: Purpose – The purpose of BGEN shall be:

The purpose of BGEN is to create a professional development network for Botanic Gardens staff and volunteers who work in the following areas:

  • Schools education
  • Community education
  • Higher education
  • Interpretation
  • Public / visitor  programs
  • Community development / engagement
  • Customer / visitor / information services
  • Adult learning
  • Outreach
  • Volunteering
  • Or any area that relates to engaging our visitors and wider community with the role of botanic gardens.

To support sharing and collaboration between Botanic Gardens and to facilitate the exchange of innovative practices, research and evaluation.


Section A: Eligibility – Membership shall be open any current member of BGANZ.


Section A: Officers – The officers shall be a Convener, Secretary and up to six representatives.

Section B: Election – The officers shall be elected by the BGEN membership by ballot at the biennial BGANZ congress.

Section C: Term – The officers shall serve for two years and their term of office shall begin following the biennial Congress.

Section D: Vacancy – If a vacancy occurs in the committee the remainder of the term will be filled by co-opting from the BGEN membership.

Section E: Co-opted committee members – the committee may from time to time co-opt from the membership of BGEN for special projects or for input of expertise.


Section A: Convener – it shall be the duty of the Convener to:

  • Set the calendar of committee meetings.
  • Chair meetings
  • Vote only in case of a tie
  • Represent BGEN as required

Section B: Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

  • Record the minutes of all meetings
  • Keep a file of the BGEN’s records
  • Maintain a current roster of membership
  • Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the BGEN

Section C: Committee Members – It shall be the duty of the Committee members to:

  • Attend meetings
  • Contribute expertise and energy to the BGEN network
  • Report on BGEN activity back to their local networks and colleagues.


Section A: Meetings – Regular meetings shall be held bi-monthly during the regular calendar year.

Section B: Special Meetings – Special meetings may be called by the convener in association with committee members at two weeks’ notice.

Section C: Quorum – A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the committee


Section A: Selection – this charter may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the committee membership.

Section B: Approval – Changes to the charter will be approved by the national BGANZ Council.


Section A: Property of the Group – The Group may acquire assets of any description only on behalf of BGANZ.  Any such assets held by the Group are beneficially the assets of BGANZ.

Section B:  Termination of the Group –  If the Group is terminated under the provisions of the BGANZ Constitution or otherwise, all funds and assets managed on behalf of BGANZ by the Group shall, after payment of outstanding liabilities, be managed as BGANZ Council determines.

Approved by BGANZ Council

Date:  February 2014

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